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Students Against Destructive Decisions is a nationally recognized youth program sponsored by the Lewis County Sheriff's Office. This group is dedicated to addressing issues of underage drinking, impaired driving, drug use, vaping and other destructive decisions and killers of young people. SADD's mission is to empower young people to successfully confront the risks and pressures that challenge them throughout their daily lives. In an effort to promote safe behavior, the Highland High School SADD chapter is responsible for Highland High Schools participation in the Missouri Department of Transportation's It Only Takes One Campaign. It Only Takes One campaign is a competition between Missouri high schools that gives student groups the opportunity to educate teens, parents and their community about the dangers teens face while driving. The competition includes educational campaigns, surprise safety belt surveys and the creation of a public service announcement. The Highland SADD Chapter has been a campaign winner for the last two years.

A major initiative for the SADD chapter is the creation and oversight of the Annual SADD Haunted House at the Lewis County Fairgrounds. Money raised from the haunted house provides after prom prizes for all students. The SADD group works very hard during the creation of the haunted house.

Special thanks to the students, parents, Lewis County Fair Board, and Highland High School Staff who assist with this project.