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Criminals Win in Legislature

Date Posted: 07/17/2019
Category: General

Criminals score major victories with Supreme Court and Legislature In 2019 several major decisions by the Missouri Supreme Court and legislature were made concerning the rule of law in the state of Missouri. These decisions will have a major impact on the law abiding taxpayer. In March, the Supreme Court decided that judges have no say as to whether or not inmates have to repay their jail board. In May, instead of correcting this issue by fixing current Missouri law, the legislature voted to take away the judges authority to oversee the recovery of court costs entirely. It appears the legislature, Supreme Court, and even the Missouri Attorney General; believe that the taxpayer should have to recover these costs through civil court rather than criminal court. Currently, law abiding taxpayers, are owed over $130,000.00 in jail board bill from criminal defendants who are required by law to pay for their cost of incarceration. The Sheriffs Office will now have to track down payment through small claims court or other civil means. This type of case is normally for those who have not paid rent, car payments, or hospital bills. Based on current projections the Sheriffs Office will have a budget shortfall of $30,000.00 because of these decisions. This does not include the $50,000.00 the state of Missouri owes Lewis County for jail reimbursements. Sheriff Parrish believes that criminal defendants who have pled guilty to committing crimes have a debt to repay society. This includes paying court costs, restitution and jail board bill. The law abiding citizen expects that the court system and legislature insure they are protected as well as criminal defendants. Please contact State Representative Greg Sharpe and Senator Cindy OLaughlin and ask for a legislative fix to these major errors.